
Neben sechs neuen Partnerinnen und Partnern baut die BBH-Gruppe auch den erweiterten Führungskreis aus. Zum 1.1.2025 wurden elf Partner Counsel und vier Expert Counsel ernannt.

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Naturstrom AG (naturstrom), a leading provider of green electricity and sustainable energy solutions in Germany, acquires 90% of the shares in HKD Handelsgesellschaft für Kirche und Diakonie mbH (HKD) with effect from 01/01/2025. The former sole shareholder, EB Holding (EBH) – a subsidiary of…

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The BBH group continues its growth course expanding its management team as of 01/01/2025. In addition to the newly arrived partners Dr. Dirk Koch and Thomas Krebs as announced in December 2024, four outstanding BBH specialists joined the partnership in the latest round of appointments: Sophia von…

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The German Institute for Federal Real Estate (Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben – BImA) has launched a Europe-wide award procedure for the implementation of photovoltaic systems as part of its climate action programme. The BBH group planned and prepared the award procedure in collaboration with…

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Innovative ideas and clear legal structures are essential for the energy transition to succeed. Regionalwerk Unterallgäu, a joint platform for implementing sustainable energy projects set up by 29 municipalities and the respective administrative district, is a perfect example in this regard. The…

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The BBH group reorganises its tax consultancy branch in Munich: tax law heavyweight, lawyer and tax advisor Dr. Dirk Koch will join the partnership on 01/01/2025. Sophia von Hake, long-standing lawyer and tax advisor at BBH, who also holds a master’s degree (LL.M.), will become partner on the same…

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A new wind energy project in the administrative district of Cham, with a planned capacity of 140 megawatts and an investment volume of €250 million, will make a significant contribution to the energy transition in the region. The BBH group assisted the parties involved through the entire process of…

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The BBH group welcomes Thomas Krebs as a new partner to the firm’s Munich office. As of 1 January 2025, the seasoned specialist lawyer for labour/employment law and mediator joins the BBH group, as does his colleague Victoria Engelbrecht, specialist lawyer for labour/employment law and mediator.

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„Als Rechtsanwalt Recht zu bekommen“, ist für Christoph von Donat das Highlight seiner Arbeit als EU-Beihilfenrechtler. In diesem Interview klärt er auf, womit man zu rechnen hat, wenn man sich für das europäische Beihilfenrecht entscheidet.

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The BBH group successfully assisted the airport operator Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) in the removal of conditions imposed by the European Commission in the context of the €1.7 billion recapitalisation aid. The Commission’s decision marks an important step towards greater economic freedom…

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Press and Media Contact

Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900

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