
From 01/06/2024, the BBH group strengthens its practice with the renowned expert Dr. Håvard Nymoen, who joins the firm as a partner of counsel.

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On 14/05/2024, BBH partner and lawyer Prof. Dr. Christian Theobald welcomed over 300 participants at the Meliá Hotel in Berlin to a special regulatory conference. On the one hand, congratulations were in order as the regulatory working group AK REGTP turned 20. On the other hand, the most dominant…

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The BBH group supports the “Vereint für Demokratie” (“United for Democracy”) fund. The initiative pools financial resources from companies to strengthen civil society organisations committed to democracy and diversity. An independent selection committee decided on the first allocation of funds…

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This year’s Wolf Büttner Prize for Community Engagement has been awarded to the non-profit association “HeldenStärker e.V.” The award ceremony was held during the annual BBH conference at the Französische Friedrichstadtkirche in Berlin.

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On 24/04/2024, the BBH group welcomed more than 200 representatives from the world of politics, the industry and businesses, the administrative sector and science to its traditional annual conference at Französische Friedrichstadtkirche, on Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, where it has been taking place…

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On Earth Day 2024, the BBH group and Planet Tree launch a tree-planting campaign. BBH will have its own patch of wood in the municipal forest of the Bavarian city of Alzenau.

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Die Nachhaltigkeit ist eindeutig eines der Trendwörter des 21. Jahrhunderts. Den Unternehmen kommt dabei die tragende Rolle zu, wenn es um die grüne Transformation geht. Aber auch Stakeholder und Investoren haben Interesse an einer transparenten, nicht finanziellen Berichterstattung. Was die…

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The BBH group has been hosting parliamentary evenings for many years fostering high-level dialogue between policymakers and businesses, a dialogue that is important for both sides. This year’s event had a clear focus on grids, with Members of the German Bundestag and decision-makers from the world…

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BBH successfully argued before the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf in favour of final consumers on industrial sites which “only” purchase process heat. The court ruled that they are to be treated in the same way as final consumers directly purchasing gas and are thus also eligible for individual…

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Wem das Arbeiten an immer wieder unterschiedlichen Sachverhalten und mit neuen Teams, teilweise interdisziplinär, Spaß macht, für den ist die Wirtschaftsprüfung genau das Richtige – so die Empfehlung von Bianca Engel, Wirtschaftsprüferin und Steuerberaterin bei BBH.

In diesem Interview gewährt sie…

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Press and Media Contact

Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900

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