
A new and revised edition of the energy law handbook “Recht der Energiewirtschaft” by BBH partner Prof. Dr. Christian Theobald and Dr. Jens-Peter…

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Thanks to a cooperation between the municipal utility Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim (SWLB) and Deutsche Telekom, the citizens of Ludwigsburg…

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The law firm Becker Büttner Held (BBH) has provided comprehensive advice to the housing association WBM Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Berlin-Mitte mbH on…

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On behalf of the Onshore Wind Energy Agency (FA Wind), the law firm Becker Büttner Held (BBH) has developed the contractual basis for the…

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The Berlin House of Representatives today approved the acceptance of Vattenfall GmbH’s offer to sell all of its shares in Stromnetz Berlin GmbH to a…

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Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Rechtsanwältin, Fachanwältin für Verwaltungsrecht | Partnerin +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Rechtsanwalt | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900


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