
BBH is delighted to be able to host together with Fundación César Manrique a colloquium on sustainability combining cultural and energy industry aspects. The painter, sculptor and landscape designer César Manrique would have been 100 years old this year. His visionary idea to develop Lanzarote with…

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The congress of the BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries) starts in Berlin today under the motto “JETZT!” (NOW!). Experts of the BBH group will once again participate in the congress to discuss the topical issues of the energy and water industry. Being a partner of the event, BBH…

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Companies of the water industry have been among BBH’s core clients for many years. With the two engineers Frank Licht and Christian Metelmann, the BBH group is now setting up an interdisciplinary team to enable holistic advice in this area.

Frank Licht and Christian Metelmann complement BBH’s…

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The stakeholder group AK REGTP sent out the invites to its traditional regulatory conference in Berlin, which in 2019 will be held for the 13th time in 15 years. On 14 May, experts and stakeholders from across the energy sector will come together to discuss the latest issues affecting distribution…

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The ECJ held that the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2012 did not involve State aid. Hence, the recovery of grid charges which the European Commission had stipulated with regard to exemptions companies had obtained in 2012/2013 might also be obsolete. On behalf of 35 electricity-intensive…

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In addition to their core business, companies of the housing sector must increasingly deal with energy-related matters. The BBH group has carried out a survey to identify the challenges the housing sector faces in this context and how the priorities are set.

The survey by BBH/BBHC concludes that…

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Jeder findet es gut, aber keiner macht es. Zugespitzt ist dies der Status quo der Elektromobilität in Deutschland. Eine Studie der BBH-Gruppe erläutert nun die Gründe, weshalb die praktische Umsetzung von E-Mobilitätskonzepten stockt, und nimmt die zentralen Akteure in den Blick: Kommunen,…

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Press and Media Contact

Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900

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