
In addition to their core business, companies of the housing sector must increasingly deal with energy-related matters. The BBH group has carried out a survey to identify the challenges the housing sector faces in this context and how the priorities are set.

The survey by BBH/BBHC concludes that…

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Jeder findet es gut, aber keiner macht es. Zugespitzt ist dies der Status quo der Elektromobilität in Deutschland. Eine Studie der BBH-Gruppe erläutert nun die Gründe, weshalb die praktische Umsetzung von E-Mobilitätskonzepten stockt, und nimmt die zentralen Akteure in den Blick: Kommunen,…

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All set for the roll-out: The practical handbook on the Metering Station Operation Act (Praxishandbuch Messstellenbetriebsgesetz), published by VDE-Verlag and edited by BBH’s smart meter experts Jan-Hendrik vom Wege and Dr. Michael Weise, serves as a guide for all market players who (have to) deal…

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On 31/01/2019, the law firm Becker Büttner Held (BBH) held its New Year’s Energy Talks (“Energiewirtschaftlicher Jahresauftakt”) 2019 in Hamburg. Together with approx. 70 guests from the world of politics, business and science, BBH lawyers discussed the challenges facing the energy sector this year.

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As of 01/01/2019, the law firm Becker Büttner Held (BBH) has added three of its colleagues to the partnership. A further nine partners counsel were appointed to strengthen the law firm’s extended management team.

The editors of JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien commend BBH’s multidisciplinary…

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With the assistance of BBH, BBH Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG sold 121 flats in Hannover-Lahe with a total living space of approx. 7,560 m2 and 121 underground car parking spaces to SOKA-BAU (Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes AG). Construction is due to start already next year. The project is…

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Mit einem für 24 Netzbetreiber erstellten Gutachten sorgt die Kanzlei Becker Büttner Held (BBH) für Klarheit bei zuletzt heftig umstrittenen Fragen zum Netzanschluss: Eine Außenübergabe bei Strom- oder Gasanschlüssen sei nach der N(D)AV möglich.

Dürfen die Anschlüsse für Strom und Gas auch…

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Press and Media Contact

Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900

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