When a high number of electric vehicles (EVs) are charged simultaneously at peak times, this may cause grid overload. The consortium project “LamA-connect” now addresses this issue and is a joint effort of BBH and another 10 consortium members led by Fraunhofer IAO. Together, the consortium members are developing solutions that facilitate smart EV charging in a range of different scenarios and in conformity with safety/security standards and calibration law. The project was kicked-off in January 2020.
How is it possible to control and monitor charging infrastructures with a high safety/security level throughout Germany? And what does it take to ensure a smooth billing process for EV charging stations in conformity with calibration law? These are two of the most pressing issues of our time when it comes to the energy and mobility transition. Smart meter gateways, the central communication units of a smart metering system, might just be the solution. This is because they ensure a secure way of transmitting real-time data from the electricity grid, which is essential for the optimum use of renewable energy. Furthermore, operators of EV charging stations can easily control their stations and access the consumption data required under calibration law for the billing of charging events.
Against the background of the intended comprehensive roll-out of such smart metering systems throughout Germany, there is an increased demand for suitable solutions facilitating a reliable energy grid in conformity with safety standards so as to prevent overloading the grid. The consortium project “LamA-connect” is developing a coordination platform by way of smart meter gateways, which takes into account not only the constraints of the energy grid but also the needs of EV drivers whilst ensuring a safe mode of operation.
As a member of the consortium, BBH is in charge of the subproject “Legal framework conditions for controlling and billing charging events by way of smart meter gateways”. This subproject is aimed at evaluating and further developing the existing legal framework conditions for charging that is controlled by way of smart meter gateways. In this respect, existing barriers are to be identified and proposals shall be formulated for modifying the legal framework taking into account the requirements for a range of scenarios regarding user-friendly charging that is compatible with the grid system, e.g. charging EVs at the workplace or in residential areas. The regulatory proposals shall also take into account the development of business and operator models in the area of charging infrastructure.
The “LamA-connect” project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) for a period of almost three years. What is unique about “LamA-connect” is the close links between the project and the activities of the BMWi as well as the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). As of 2022, the coordination platform based on smart meter gateways is to be the standard solution for integrating the charging station infrastructure into the smart grid.
Project consortium:
• Badenova AG & Co. KG with bnNETZE GmbH
• Becker Büttner Held PartGmbB
• Fraunhofer IAO Institute for Industrial Engineering
• Fraunhofer SIT Institute for Secure Information Technology
• Franhofer ISE Institute for Solar Energy Systems
• Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT) at the University of Stuttgart
• PBW Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH
• National Metrology Institute (PTB) of Germany
• Power Plus Communications AG
• Stuttgart Netze Betrieb GmbH
• VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies, section DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
Becker Büttner Held is a leading provider of advisory services for energy and infrastructure companies and their customers. Energy and supply companies, particularly public utilities, municipalities and local authorities, industrial companies and international groups are among its core clients. BBH advises these and many other companies and organisations in all legal matters and also assists them with business and strategic advice.
Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke
Lawyer, Partner
phone +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Visit Becker Büttner Held at www.die-bbh-gruppe.de, www.bbh-blog.de or twitter.com/BBH_online.