A new and revised edition of the energy law handbook “Recht der Energiewirtschaft” by BBH partner Prof. Dr. Christian Theobald and Dr. Jens-Peter Schneider, professor at the University of Freiburg, (editors), has just been published by C.H. Beck: Readers will find the book to be both a treasure trove of information and a compass.
Since 2003, the editorial duo Schneider/Theobald has closely followed the complex developments in the field of energy law. As in the four previous editions, they managed to condense the vast area of energy law between two book covers, providing detailed explanations on this legal field. The book, which runs to 1,400 pages, deals with case law and legal requirements up to the legislative amendments in 2021, including the impact of the EU Winter Package for clean energy and its transposition into the German Energy Industry Act 2021, and also sheds light on the legal development concerning the charging station infrastructure for electric vehicles.
The energy law handbook draws on an experienced team of authors who have provided a precise and readily understandable analysis of the current issues of the electricity and gas markets and their various aspects, ranging from regulation, the planning and licensing of energy infrastructures and energy installations, to concession law.
“As lawyers, we consider ourselves as translators of the legal norms, giving practical guidance as to their implementation. That is also precisely what our book is aimed at. It is meant to serve as a reliable companion for all who regularly deal with energy law,” says BBH Partner Prof. Dr. Christian Theobald.
Becker Büttner Held is a leading provider of advisory services for energy and infrastructure companies and their customers. Energy and supply companies, particularly public utilities, municipalities and local authorities, industrial companies and international groups are among its core clients. BBH advises these and many other companies and organisations in all legal matters and also assists them with business and strategic advice.
Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Partner
Phone +49 (0)30 611 28 40 - 179
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