
The Federal Government provides Nordenham Metall GmbH (Bleihütte) with funding of up to €360 million for switching its lead smelter in Nordenham from…

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From 01/06/2024, the BBH group strengthens its practice with the renowned expert Dr. Håvard Nymoen, who joins the firm as a partner of counsel.

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On 14/05/2024, BBH partner and lawyer Prof. Dr. Christian Theobald welcomed over 300 participants at the Meliá Hotel in Berlin to a special regulatory…

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Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Rechtsanwältin, Fachanwältin für Verwaltungsrecht | Partnerin +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Rechtsanwalt | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900


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