Strategy development and organisational consulting at all stages of the value chain in municipal utilities
Holistic analysis, assessment and optimisation of processes at energy suppliers
Various remunicipalisation projects in the context of concession procedures, organisational set-up of municipal utilities
Development of a concept for nationwide electricity and gas sales as well as energy services and operative implementation support
HYLAND – hydrogen regions in Germany: advice to 9 regions / municipalities. Creation of a stakeholder network (politics, municipal companies, industry, commerce, society). Development of concepts regarding hydrogen and fuel cells on the basis of renewable energy in the transport, heat, electricity and storage sectors
Development of digitalisation strategies (smart metering systems, IoT applications, smart city) and related business models
Modelling, formulation and assessment of innovative generation strategies regarding renewable energy and CHP (solutions for decentralised supply in cities and urban neighbourhoods, implementation in terms of approval/licensing regulations and advice on subsidies)
Heating market consulting: calculation of district heating prices, optimisation of maintenance and repair processes in the area of contracting
Development of the portfolio and risk management for municipal utilities, operators of closed distribution networks (airports, chemical parks), industrial companies
Development of long-term investment and maintenance strategies in the area of electricity, gas and district heating grids
Switching from L-gas to H-gas: Advising service providers in the context of tenders, project management (development of a digital project manager), exploitation of sales potential
Curriculum Vitae
Until 1999 studies of engineering with a focus on supply engineering, municipal and environmental technology graduate (Diplom-Ingenieur Kommunal- und Umwelttechnik), Technische Hochschule Köln
Until 2005 key account management at Ra regionale energy supplier
Until 2008 head of sales / manager with general commercial power of attorney (Prokurist) at a municipal utility
Until 2011 head of trading & sales / manager with general commercial power of attorney (Prokurist) at a energy supplier
Since 2011 board member of BBH Consulting AG
Since 2012 certified energy manager pursuant to ISO 19011 and energy auditor pursuant to ISO 50001
Since 2005 accredited EEX trader, qualification as portfolio manager