Folkert KiepeLawyer (Rechtsanwalt) | Partner of Counsel
+49 (0)221 650 25-213
Main focus
Folkert Kiepe focuses on urban development, building law, transport planning, transport law and transport financing.
Curriculum Vitae
- Born in Oberhausen/Rheinland in 1947
- Married with two children
- 1967-1968 officer training in Hamburg
- 1969-1978 studies of law and political science in Cologne, Bonn and Freiburg as well as legal traineeship in North Rhine-Westphalia
- 1978-1985 legal counsel at the city of Cologne
- 1984-1994 honorary member of the committees for planning and transport of the Bergisch Gladbach city council
- 1985-1991 senior policy advisor for transport, civil engineering and building construction at the Association of North Rhine-Westphalian Cities and the Association of German Cities in Cologne
- 1991-2012 councillor for urban planning, building and construction, housing and transport at the Association of German Cities and the Association of North Rhine-Westphalian Cities in Cologne and Berlin
- Since July 2012 lawyer/partner of counsel at BBH
- Member of, among others, the German Academy for Urban and Regional Spatial Planning (DASL), the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), the German Association of Transport Sciences (DVWG) as well as the Federal Association for Housing and Urban Development (vhw)
- Member of the German Section of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gesellschaft and the German-Russian Forum
- Publishes and lectures widely on urban planning, building and construction, housing and transport