Felix SanderMBA, M.Sc. | Partner Counsel BBH Consulting AG
+49 (0)30 611 28 40-931
Main focus
- Project management for grid operators in the context of the market area conversion from low-calorific to high-calorific gas supply (L/H-gas market area conversion)
- Development of new sales processes as well as optimisation of the existing sales processes relating to the L/H-gas market area conversion
- Development of products specifically designed for the L/H-gas market area conversion aimed at the sales departments of energy supply companies
Felix Sander assists grid operators in the operational implementation of the L/H-gas market area conversion in terms of project management. Furthermore, he works together with municipal utilities to develop sales processes specifically designed for the L/H-gas market area conversion and, respectively, to optimise the sales processes with a view to the L-/H-gas market area conversion.
Curriculum Vitae
- 2012-2019 studies of energy management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund and SRH University of Applied Sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia in Hamm
- 2017-2018 student employee and master’s degree candidate at a technology firm
- Since 2019 consultant at BBH Consulting AG in Berlin
- Since 2025 partner counsel at BBH Consulting AG