Dr. Christian Gemmer focuses on matters of law regarding renewable energy, combined heat and power, heat supply, e-mobility and European energy law.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in Schweinfurt in 1981
2002-2009 studies of law in Innsbruck, Augsburg and Lund
2010-2014 dissertation on the external energy trade policy of the European Union (“Die Energieaußenhandelspolitik der Europäischen Union”)
2010-2012 research associate within the energy law team of an international commercial law firm
2014-2016 legal traineeship with placements at, among others, a research foundation for energy law
Since 2013 editor of a collection of texts on European energy law (2nd edition 2017)
2017 Dissertation Die Energieaußenhandelspolitik der Europäischen Union, in: Behr/Greco/Vedder, Ausgburger Studien zum internationalen Recht, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2017